shi'-hor-lib'-nath shichor libhnath; Codex Vaticanus to Seion kai Labanath; Codex Alexandrinus Seior, etc.): A place named on the boundary of Asher (Jos 19:26). It seems to mark with Carmel the western limit, and may have been on the South of that mountain. Peshitta, Syriac, and Eusebius (Onomasticon) take this as two distinct names attaching to cities in this region. So far, however, no trace of either name has been found in the course of very careful exploration. More probably Shihor was the name of a river, "Libnath" distinguishing it from the Nile, which was called Shihor of Egypt. It may have been called Shihor because, like the Nile, it contained crocodiles. The boundary of Asher included Dor (TanTurah), so the river may be sought South of that town. Crocodiles are said still to be found in the Kishon; but this river runs North of Carmel. The Crocodeilon of Ptolemy (V. xv.5; xvi.2) and Pliny (v.19), which the latter makes the southern boundary of Phoenicia, may possibly be Nahr ez-Zerqa, which enters the sea about 5 miles South of TanTurah. Here also it is said the crocodile is sometimes seen. Perhaps therefore we may identify this stream with Shihor-libnath.
⇒See a list of verses on SHIHOR-LIBNATH in the Bible.
W. Ewing